Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week!
If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now, let’s dive in!
On This Week’s Feedback Friday, We Discuss:
- Is it wrong to be mad at your recently widowed parent for proposing to a rebound fling just six months after the funeral?
- You’re sick of picking up the slack for your 70-year-old coworker who chooses not to retire. What should you do?
- How do you rebuild your business when your last 10 years has suddenly pulled out from under you? We might have some advice.
- As a job seeker, when is the right time to disclose that you have regular medical needs that require creative scheduling?
- We’ve talked about the wrong reasons to move, but what are some of the right reasons? When do the pros outweigh the cons?
- How do you shake the feeling of playing second fiddle when you’re pretty sure you’re the ugly friend in a two-person dynamic?
- You seem to be the only one in your neighborhood concerned about environmental apocalypse. How do you lead by example without blowing a gasket?
- What meaningful gifts can you get for mentors — or anyone else for that matter — who already seem to have everything they need?
- Life Pro Tip: When responding to advice, say “You’re right” instead of “I know.” It shows that you’re actually listening to someone, that you care about what they say, and give them credit for trying to help.
- Recommendation of the Week: Leaving Neverland
- Quick shoutouts to people Jordan met at Podfest and SXSW!
- Have any questions, comments, or stories you’d like to share with us? Drop us a line at!
- Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
- Connect with Jason on Twitter at @jpdef and Instagram at @JPD, and check out his other show: Grumpy Old Geeks.
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World-renowned criminal defense lawyer Mark Geragos reveals the latest in our nation’s most high-profile legal cases with podcast king Adam Carolla on PodcastOne’s Reasonable Doubt. Check it out here!
Resources from This Episode:
- A.J. Jacobs | Thanks a Thousand: A Gratitude Journey, TJHS 174
- Brian Scudamore | How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success, TJHS 175
- How to Form a Strong Opinion by Jordan Harbinger
- The Roast of John Lee Dumas
- Podfest Expo
- 20 Basic Tech Things Old People Just Don’t Understand by Amy Odell, Cosmopolitan
- Six-Minute Networking
- How to Start over in a New City by Jordan Harbinger
- 10 Personality Quizzes about Where to Live That Are Actually Super Accurate by Brand Neal, Bustle
- Stephen Hawking: Humanity Only Has 100 Years Left on Earth Before Doomsday by Abby Norman, Futurism
- The World Has Just over a Decade to Get Climate Change under Control, U.N. Scientists Say by Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis, The Washington Post
- What Can I Do About Climate Change? Union of Concerned Scientists
- 10 Things You Can Do to Help the Environment, WWF-UK
- John Ruhlin | Ways to Give Gifts That Make a Big Difference, TJHS 157
- Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retention by John Ruhlin
- Pet Portrait Artists (recommended by listener Renee Froerer): James Ruby and Elisabeth Caine Pressler
- Leaving Neverland, HBO
- Surviving R. Kelly, Lifetime
- Abducted in Plain Sight, Netflix
- Dexter Guff is Smarter Than You
Transcript for How to Cope with the Burden of Being the Ugly Friend | Feedback Friday (Episode 176)
Jordan Harbinger: [00:00:00] Welcome to Feedback Friday. I'm your host Jordan Harbinger and I'm here with producer Jason DeFillippo. Here on The Jordan Harbinger Show, we love having conversations with our guests. And this week we had AJ Jacob's talking about his crazy social experiment. Jason, this guy, he decided to thank everyone that was helping him get his morning coffee. So he's flying to Columbia to thank the bean farmers and he's thanking the people that are shipping the beans and all the barista and all the people that are grinding and processing it. He's just crazy. He is a unique guy.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:00:31] Unique is a nice way to put it. He's a loon. He's a total loon. I love him to death, but he's a loony.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:00:37] Yeah, yeah. He spent a year living biblically, so he only wore like cotton robes and you know, didn't eat -- I don't know, just all kinds of weird stuff. Like he couldn't sit in a seat where a woman had sat who was menstruating, all this weird stuff from the Bible, like the Old Testament stuff. And he lived that way for a year in Manhattan, which is somehow kind of impossible and then --
Jason DeFillippo: [00:01:01] What's more impossible is the fact that he's still married.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:01:04] Yes, agreed to divorce him.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:01:06] Like his wife didn't divorce him which is crazy.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:01:07] His wife must be a very patient woman, that's for sure.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:01:10] Exactly.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:01:11] We also spoke with Brian Scudamore. He's the founder of 1-800-GOT-JUNK. He dropped out of high school. He Had 700 bucks and a beat-up pickup truck and started a -- I don't know -- $200-million company, something like that. He is an interesting cat. He came in and talked about that story and had talked about what he calls the WTF or willing-to-fail mindset. A good friend of mine, an interesting guy, a really interesting show.
[00:01:35] And I also write every so often on the blog. The latest post is -- it's about forming an opinion essentially, but when you have the right to form an opinion when you have the ability to form that opinion and this piece will make you better at thinking better at arguing and forming arguments and opinions. And it was inspired by my friend, Dr. Drew, who is complaining during a show that we were doing that he gives talks at colleges and -- you know he's a freaking medical doctor and inevitably some freshmen will stand up and be like, "I disagree with your statement about that." And he's like, "I'm a doctor. All right. I have 30 years of experience. You're 17 years old. Sit down." So I wrote an article about that. Make sure you've had a look and a listen to all of that and the articles are on the blog. If you go to, they're featured there.
[00:02:24] Of course, our primary mission is to pass along our guests' wisdom and our experiences and insights along to you. In other words, the real purpose of the show is to have conversations directly with you and that's what we're going to do today here on Feedback Friday. You can reach us at Try to keep them concise if you can. It really does increase the chance that your question will get answered on the air.
[00:02:47] I was just at pod Fest out in Orlando, South by Southwest in Austin. I met a lot of great people. I roasted John Lee Dumas, which was a lot of fun at Podfest. And I got to tell you, Jason, I love doing the comedy. JLD at the end of it -- John Lee Dumas -- he did a thing where he goes, tell me who you think was funniest by a show of applause. You're not really supposed to do that at a roast. But he did it anyway. And I got the most applause. And I thought that was pretty cool. Being mean is hard though.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:03:14] Well, you know, me and JLD go back a long way and I think I would have probably won if I made it but --
Jordan Harbinger: [00:03:20] You can't win by punching someone in the face. That is not how you win a roast.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:03:23] That's true. That's true. Oh, it would have been fun though. Congrats on that. Congrats. That's a huge thing.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:03:30] Thank you. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I love being up there. I would do it again in a second. I think just -- there's something to the comedy thing, man. It's really fun. I get it, although I don't know if I could stand "the going up there" and trying to set and all the rejection that goes with it. It just seems really hard, but you never know.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:03:46] Yeah, I mean, look, that's what I do on Grumpy Old Gigs every week. It's fun. It gets the gifts of the juices flowing and it makes you a calmer person at the end.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:03:55] Nice, oh, I can take it. Yeah, it is a little release valve. All right, well, speaking of release valves, what's the first thing in the mailbag?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:04:02] Hey, guys. My 71-year-old mother passed away six months ago -- Not exactly comedy that we're going here for the first question -- and my dad, who is 74 bought a $5,000 diamond ring for someone he met a week ago. So yeah, my sister and I are furious. My mother passed away very suddenly and my dad was extremely distraught in a complete burden to everyone around him as though he was the only one mourning. He needed constant care and attention. So we decided to send him on a vacation to get his mind off things and there you go. He met someone 25 years younger than himself and immediately started spending all of his money on her. He's planning on throwing a wedding and he didn't even pay for my mother's funeral. We, the kids did, and this is a man who had nickel and dime the price of tomatoes with my mom when she was still around. Never once did he even buy my mom a gift. He would calculate every single dime he spent for the household and make my mom pay exactly half of it. I don't know how to react. I'm just so pissed and I feel extremely disrespected and I feel like with his slutty behavior, he's disrespecting my mother and her memory. Is it abnormal to be so angry as I am? What do I do? Thanks, Daddy Issues.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:05:12] Yikes, wow, yeah, this is a rough one. I mean, here's the thing. Your parents were together for how long? 50-plus years, and you got to think, this is a person who spent, I assume the vast majority of his life with your mother. Now she's gone and your dad -- again I assume -- is alone for the first time in a very long time. So it's natural to be a little unhealthy to rebound or latch onto someone for company and it sounds like his children didn't want to be that person, so you all are now upset that he has found that rebound. And it's just a part of the grieving process in part, but you know he is grieving. It sounds like his process is finding someone to replace her companionship and most -- this is going to be controversial -- but most 70-something-year-old men, they don't have a whole lot to offer when looking for a companion a lot of the time who's 25 years younger. So if he's looking for that, he's going to use his money to do it, especially if he's in the grief process. I mean who knows what's going on.
[00:06:11] But it's normal for you to be furious. I would absolutely consider talking to him about it. But phrase it out of concern, not out of anger. So you might want to say something like, "Dad, you're acting a little differently since you met this new person. I'm worried you used to be so careful with money. Now you're really throwing it around. I just don't want you to have money problems in a couple of years if you spend all of it. You've got longer to go than you think. You can't be going on fancy vacations or buying rings all the time." But in the end, your dad is 74 he doesn't have that much time left to get out there and live and he's probably thinking, why waste what I've got left sitting at home grieving and if he's anything like most men, he's not well equipped to deal with the grief in the first place. So this is an escape for him. He's been with someone for a long time. It's depressing as hell to find yourself sitting home alone and bored with kids who are doing their own thing or that sends you out on vacation. You know, they've got their own families. If you can talk to them about it out of concern, you might strike a chord with him. He's probably in the middle of feeling just completely upside down and confused.
[00:07:21] Also, I would persuade him to get a physical. Call his primary care physician in advance. Tell him about his sudden change in behavior because sometimes, especially in older folks, there can be a brain or biological reason that people are acting funny. I don't know Jason, you remember this a while ago, a long time ago we got a letter from somebody and it was like the dad had taken in this teenage girl.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:07:44] Oh yeah, I totally remember that one.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:07:46] And he suddenly was starting to send her these text messages and the family talked to the girl and they're like, "Look what you're doing is weird and not okay." And the girl was like, "Yeah, I know but I don't really know what to do about this." And then the mom started to freak out because she's like, "I can't believe you're basically striking up a romance with a teenage girl. We've been married for like 30-plus years." And then she woke up and the dad was like standing over her.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:08:08] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:09] Creepily.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:08:10] Yeah, that was, that was a crazy one. Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:13] That was crazy. And they're like, "We've, we want to leave the house, we don't know what to do. We think the dad might do something." And then a lot of people wrote in and they were like, "He might have a tumor. Go to go get a scan. This is super strange. He might have a tumor." And I think that was a really good point. Like what the hell? That's not normal behavior.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:08:32] I think with this guy, he's 74, he's staring death in the face because his wife just died. So you know, mortality is right there in front of him and he does want to probably live a little before he's got to go and he's lonely as hell, you know. If he's with that woman for generations and she's gone now, he's got nothing else to look forward to. So he's just doing the best that he can to get by and make sure that he at least has something going on. So I understand it. I can understand why they're pissed, but you also have to look at it from his perspective. Where he's just like, he woke up one day and his wife of all those years is gone, he's by himself. He's got money. What's he going to do? He's going to go have some fun. And you know, I'm sure he's still in the middle of the grieving process and it's going to take them a while to get past it, but I can't really fault the guy.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:09:25] Yeah, I get it. I don't love it, but --
Jason DeFillippo: [00:09:28] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:09:28] I guess I get it.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:09:29] I understand it, but I don't condone it.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:09:32] All right. What's next?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:09:33] Hi, Jordan and company. I work at a university where there's no mandatory age for retirement, which brings me to the problem. One of my coworkers is in his early 70s and is affable, jokey, and popular with the older staffers here, and let's call him Joe. However, Joe is also unproductive, regularly comes in late, and daily has to rely on his other coworkers to answer questions that involve web and digital matters, attends training sessions but doesn't learn from them. I can't stand him and I make snide remarks, not professional I know. But the other day I chided him because he didn't check on something that he should have and consequently we could have missed out on something important. He then suggested I take over this particular area of his job duties and then I asked him, "If I do that, what are you going to do instead?" Joe had no answer for that and instead started rambling about having worked for 35-years-plus and then he was burnt out from working. He said he was going to retire next January. However, I heard that he was going to retire this January but obviously didn't. I overheard him say to a coworking friend of his. "I'm going to die in this chair," he said jokingly, but I really wonder. A former coworker of mine who moved on theorized that Joe hangs on because this job is his main source of social interaction. We have job evaluations, but my boss is very lenient. I've pointed out his unproductivity to my boss as well and the boss kind of just laughed it off. We are short-staffed as it is and I resent having to take on more work because of this deadwood. Do you have any advice for this situation? I feel like sending an anonymous letter to HR. Other than that I like my job, get along well with other coworkers, work hard, and get involved in various areas to contribute. Looking forward to hearing what you all say. Call Me Chopper.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:11:12] Huh, this is a tricky one. Jason, what do you think? I know you have some thoughts initially here.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:11:16] Yeah, my first reaction is what a dick. I mean the guy is in his 70s. Chillax, bro. You know, have some sympathy. If you are in your 70s and had nothing else to do or anywhere to go would you want some snot-nosed kid like kicking you out of a job that you've been at for 35 years
Jordan Harbinger: [00:11:30] I gasped, but I have a bit more sympathy for the writer as well. Look, I totally get it. You know, 70 doesn't have anything to do. Only a social outlet, but fine. I mean other people are picking up the slack that Joe's leaving because he's taking up a job position, salary that somebody actually needs to do, but he can't do it. And frankly, look, I know there are 70-year-old people who can do related tasks. I think he just kinda doesn't feel like learning it. You know, he's gone on, "I'm too old for this." And it's like, okay, but just because you refuse to modernize doesn't mean the university's not going to modernize or that you can just be like, "Well, the kids are going to do it." It's like, well what do you do? Or what is it you would say you do around here?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:12:12] That's very office space of you.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:14] It is. Right. But it's like, it would be different if it's like, "Oh my gosh, well we give all of our TPS reports to Joe because we handle all the tech stuff." But if he's just sitting around surfing the web all day, or I don't know, reading the newspaper. And then all of these other people have to pick up the slack because he's literally incapable of doing the job that it's not fair, but I would say Chopper, you're a bit stuck because your boss is obviously not sticking up for you and universities are almost universally inefficient to the point of absolute ridiculousness, especially public universities, which are by and large bloated bureaucracies floating on top of massive subsidies, tax dollars, inflated tuition. What I would do is document each time you have to do work that isn't yours because Joe is unable to do it.
[00:13:05] And I'd also start looking for a new job immediately and once you find something, then when you're leaving, tell them exactly why you're leaving. Hand in the proof, send a copy to HR so your boss can't bury it when you're like, yeah, and you did nothing about it and you're going to continue to lose talent that way he can't just like throw it away and go like, "Oh yeah, he quit because he didn't like the hours." You know, you can hand a copy to HR. Joe is welcome to come in if he needs a social outlet as a volunteer someplace else. And I look, I know Jason thinks you're a dick. I know you think he's a dick. I don't think it's our job at our office to be someone's social outlet or their source of entertainment. It's great if you can be that in addition to them doing their job, that's great. But if they're useless otherwise, I mean if he wants that, he can be a volunteer someplace else. Get a free lunch. Don't be a dead weight who makes other people have a harder day every single day at work. It's not like he's asking these guys to do the occasional, "Hey, I've got to do this thing online. Can you help me with it once a quarter?" This is like they're just doing his job cause he doesn't know how to work the emails. I mean I hear you on this Jason, but someone's right to a paycheck and a fun day at work ends when they're piling crap on my plate because they can't do their own job. You know?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:14:18] I know I'm just looking at the time, time served, you know, I'm just looking at the time served. The guy's been there for over 35 years and you know he's in the twilight. What the university should do is just find some extra budget and bring somebody else on. If they want to keep the guy and they know that he's dead weight, then just find the budget and bring somebody else on.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:14:36] Yeah, agree, agree.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:14:38] But don't -- I mean I just think this guy's going to feel bad when this guy gets kicked out and he's responsible for it. I look down the line, it's just like, oh man, this guy who's been there his whole life, put all his time to the university. And I come in and just because I got to work a little harder. I get them kicked out and then what's this guy got, he's going to go home and like what? Drink himself to death because he's got nowhere else to go. He's got no friends. He's got no money. You know, I'm just looking at it as the law of unintended consequences that can happen if this guy kicks out Joe. And I worry about that.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:15:10] I feel you. I agree. I think you're right. The boss should come up with a budget and you know, Chopper, you can find other job offers and you can leave and you could tell them why. Alternately, if you're able to do this, when Joe was like, "Hey, I need you to do my job again for me." You'd just be like, "Nope."
Jason DeFillippo: [00:15:25] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:15:26] And then when it doesn't get done in the boss is like, "Hey, who's falling those TPS reports online." You're like, "Oh, that's Joe's job." And they're like, "Oh, hey, Joe, where are those?" "I don't know how the machine works." "Okay, cool. Hey, Chopper. Can you help?" "Hey, I got a full plate. I've been doing a lot of that. I did six months of TPS reports. I can help later on Friday. But no, I can't do Joe's job for him every single day." And then make your boss ask you to do this. Look, this could cost you your job too because you know, it depends. That's why you should have another offer on the plate. But you can say like, "Look, I'll help once or twice, but I'm not going to do the guy's whole job for him." And if the stuff starts piling up and doesn't get done, it's a lot harder for your boss to go, "Ha-ha-ha, good old Joe not doing any work." It's like, "Yeah, we're not going to it anymore." Look, if it's just you Chopper, who's pissed about it, maybe it's an attitude adjustment. But if everyone else in the office is like, "I'm so sick of doing this guy's job." Just band together and say, "We're not doing it anymore. We're not going to do this guy's job." He needs to figure it out. It's not impossible for him to learn how to do this. He's 70 he's not 170 he can figure out how to use the universities online. There are guaranteed professors at that university who know how to use the online systems just fine.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:16:43] Yeah. My dad's 72 and he can work a computer like nobody's business and he learned when he was 65 it's not hard. I'm fine with that. Just stop being a crutch for him and let him stand on his own two feet. But I would just say don't proactively try and kick his knees out from under him. That's my only thing. So I agree with you Jordan on that. It's like let this guy stand or fall on his own merit.
[00:17:08] This is Feedback Friday. We'll be right back after this.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:17:10] This episode is sponsored in part by HoneyBook. Look, if you run a creative business, you know how to make your clients look good, that is literally your job. But if you're struggling with tedious administrative tasks, let HoneyBook do the work and make you look good. If you've got a great idea for a business, what's holding you back? Is the thought of admin work overwhelming? HoneyBook is here to help you get that plan off the ground. It's an online business management tool. It lets you control your client communication, booking contracts, and invoices all-in-one place. Which is actually a brilliant idea. I wish this existed a few years ago, especially when I was doing coaching stuff because this is kind of a one-stop-shop for this. If you're a creative freelancer, you're a small business owner, HoneyBook helps you stay organized, has custom templates, a lot of automation tools and it can consolidate services you already use like QuickBooks, Google Suite, and MailChimp. It's nice to have that all in kind of one dash. Jason, you're using this right?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:18:06] Oh yeah. I've been set up for about a week or so and I'm moving my whole business into this because they've got some really, really cool features in here with project management and workflows. You can customize your entire workflow to your type of business. So as a podcast producer, I can get to like get client audio, edit proof all the way up to publish, and then bill all in one just timeline that I can glance at. It is so nice. I really wish like when I was doing client services 20 years ago this thing existed but now it does. It's so nice.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:18:35] I know we have a good deal for HoneyBook as well. What's that?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:18:37] Yeah, we do. HoneyBook is offering our listeners 50 percent off your first year with promo code JORDAN. Payment is flexible and the promotion applies whether you pay monthly or annually, which is really nice. Go to and use promo code JORDAN for 50 percent off your first year. Get paid faster and work smarter with promo code JORDAN.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:18:56] This episode is also sponsored by MedMen.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:18:59] 2019 has just started and yet history has already been made. The new normal is here. Have you seen it? Brought to life in a short film that runs only two minutes long, the new normal seeks to leave behind 80 years of unjust prohibition in favor of a safer, happier world. It depicts a product that once drove good people to the black market as one that today is creating a new global market. In this new era, a plant that was tied to fear and madness now represents a source of calm and wellness. From this day forward, what inspired the symbol of counterculture is at long last just culture. The new normal has arrived to your city, to your neighborhood, to the inside of your living room, watch it now. Experience the new normal at That's,
[00:19:42] Thanks for listening and supporting the show. To learn more about our sponsors and get links to all the great discounts you just heard, visit And if you'd be so kind, please drop us a nice rating and review in iTunes or your podcast player of choice. It really helps us out and helps build the show family. If you want some tips on how to do that, head on over to Now let's hear some more of your questions here on Feedback Friday.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:20:05] All right, next step.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:20:07] Hey, Jordan, and gang. This week I found myself in a situation that reminded me of yours last year. I've basically lost 10 years of building my own business and have to restart. I'm also having to tread lightly regarding my former employer when approaching clients to come with me. What advice would you give to someone starting over? What do you think you did well? What would you have done differently? How did you stay positive through the painful process? Who helped you through the process? Coaches, friends, your network? Are there any resources that you would've wished you tapped into sooner? Thank you for everything that you do and keep being awesome. Signed, Resentfully Rebooting.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:20:43] Oh, this brought back some memories.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:20:46] Yeah. Triggered.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:20:48] Yeah, totally. Trigger warning.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:20:50] Yeah, so what you can do here -- first of all, you can't solicit former clients. You cannot say, "Hey, I'm leaving. Come work with me." What you can do is make them aware that you've left. And I did that through either direct communication or back channels. When we got the boot essentially from the old company. What I did is I reached out to my network and I and friends and I said, "Hey, can you reach out to these ad agencies and reach out to clients and say, 'I left the old show and I'm starting a new one.'" And it's funny because, in the litigation, one of the things that the old company is asserting is that I "damaged" the business by taking the advertisers. And what's really funny about this is I didn't take anyone, they decided to come with us because they knew us, like us, trusted us. We did a great job for them a long time ago and everyone heard how we had gotten booted from the company and they just thought it was such BS.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:21:45] And we are pleasant to work with. I have to say.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:21:48] We were easy to work with.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:21:49] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:21:49] Yeah. And that's not the case for those that may have replaced us on the old show. So you can make them aware that you've left and a lot of people will come with you because they like you. You're the one who has a relationship with them. What I did well back then, I dug the well before I got thirsty. I did everything in the Six-Minute Networking course, which is what I created for you all. It's a new course. It replaces the old Level One stuff that I no longer have anything to do with by the way, and if you want that That course is based on what I did to make sure we were successful with the reboot. So get on that ASAP, the sooner the better.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:22:27] And I have to say when we did start over, you were apoplectic about how are we going to do this? What's going to happen? And I'm like, "Dude, you have the greatest network in the world. You need to tap into that and get back on top." And you fought me for what? Like a month I think. And once you finally realize, you're like, "Oh wait, we do have a great network." All the guests that were on the show, all the people that you know from the show, that was, that was your superpower. Absolutely, your superpower, and that's what got us to where we are today. So this is, this is no BS. What happened with this new show and why we're here right now is because of your network and all of the relationships that you made before we did it. So yeah, get on it Six-Minute Networking at Get to it.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:23:11] Yeah. It's the real deal. There's no upsell. It's free. I mean, that's the point is it's an, it's a lifesaver. It's saved my butt and it will save yours too. The stuff that I would do differently. I mean, a lot of that has to do with the litigation. For example, the guy who calls himself AJ Harbinger, his real name is Andrew Kaczorowski. He's using my name. There's a lot of ego investment in making trouble for myself, for former employees of the old company who have nothing to do with anything, just petty vindictive stuff. And if I had known how irrational he would've been and that he never intended to honor the deal that we'd negotiated or fulfilled his end of the bargain, if I'd known that he never planned on doing that, I'd have been much more public about everything a lot earlier, but I didn't want to go down a road of seeming petty about things. And now that I see this as about his ego and not about business, I probably would have done things differently. The problem is I couldn't have seen that in advance. Like you don't know what your former business partners intentions are, so this probably doesn't apply to you, but it always, always helps to appraise the intentions of the people you're dealing with and make sure that they are healthy emotionally and have a real solution in mind instead of just playing out their childhood traumas in the lives of others. So never make the mistake of thinking that the people you're dealing with are rational, that they're emotionally healthy. That's just good advice in general.
[00:24:35] I've been in business disputes before where I'm like, why is this person doing this? And then you find out that they don't have any close friends. Their parents were divorced as kids. Like they've got all this trauma and you're like, "Oh, you're reenacting your stories right now." And then once you go from that angle, you're like, "Okay, so the only language you're going to understand is, you know, force, legal action, et cetera." And you can save yourself a whole lot of time and stress.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:25:00] And I also recommend when you do a new business deal in the future, have a breakup clause, always have a breakup clause. I made that mistake a long time ago and it bit me in the butt too. We never had a breakup clause. We were at, my old partner and I were 50/50 and he spent all the money of the company on things like always on his honeymoon and things like that and it was a mess. So if you have a breakup clause from the get-go, it makes it easier when it comes time to sever the relationship.
[00:25:30] Exactly. And just bear in mind, a breakup clause is not going to be in stone. People can always decide not to honor it. I mean, we had that and it didn't matter. That's why I'm suing him. As for staying positive, I called a lot of other people who have been in business for a long time and asked them what they think and they all told me the same thing. "This will be one of the best things that have ever happened to you." And they turned out to be right. You know, especially valuable or the opinions of mutual friends because they were able to give me advice knowing who was on both sides of the equation. And those people, especially people that are still involved with the old company, were extra supportive of my new venture. The one you're listening to now, they gave me lots of promotion. They helped with quite a few things and since they knew the situation quite well and they had known Andrew Kaczorowski, aka "AJ Harbinger" in air quotes for years, a lot of people kind of knew what I was dealing with without me having to explain. Only a small handful of those people are still friends with both of us, I'll put that out there. And so I still get a lot of support from them, which leads me to believe that a lot of people who are good at fooling others into thinking they're good people, eventually that facade crumbles, especially as enablers of which I was definitely one, especially as they lose their grip on those people and they start to separate from those people.
[00:26:45] So spend less time trying to point all that stuff out to others and more time working on your new business and working on yourself. I am very glad that I didn't sit around plotting revenge and instead I worked on The Jordan Harbinger Show with the team here. I firmly believe that action ends suffering when it comes to rebuilding. Action focuses your energy on moving forward instead of on anxiety about what you've lost. And in the end, The Jordan Harbinger Show is now way ahead of where the old company ever was. Tons of people have seen the true colors coming from the other side. Also, we've shown our mettle as a team here, and they'll see yours too. So you want to make sure that you're showing the right things to the world. You've got to show grit, determination, integrity, diligence. Let the other side embarrass themselves and flail without you. Go get your Best of Apple 2018 in whatever niche you know you've got, and don't worry about what the other guys are doing. They will screw up their own stuff in due time and even if they appear to be doing well, just remember, you're probably going to look back on this as one of the best things that ever happened to you right now. I'm certainly happier than I've ever been. More profitable than we've ever been. Less stressed than I've been in a long time. And I've really looked forward to the future. I almost never had that feeling when I worked with the old company. Most of the team left the old company and joined us here and what we're doing now for that exact same reason. We just didn't like working with that side of the business, and I know it's rough now, but you will be better off for this. You can take my word to the bank on this one.
[00:28:21] All right, next step.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:28:21] Dear, J, J, and J. As an entry-level job seeker fresh out of college, I'm wondering how during an interview I would make it clear that as a type one diabetic that I have to a lot of time for appointments every three to six months to visit my endocrinologist on top of other appointments, including dentists, blood work, ophthalmologists, et cetera. Sincerely, Man with Many Doctors.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:28:43] So none of this needs to be mentioned when negotiating a job offer and it is almost certainly illegal for them to ask. There's just no need to mention this. That said, I know this is a medical issue that you have no control over, but I'd make darn sure that you make up for lost work time so that nobody can ever say, "Ah, you spend too much time out of the office." Whenever you need, what some people might consider special treatment, medical or otherwise, you just have to work that much harder to make up for things. Never give anyone an excuse to see you as less than. Work twice as hard as everyone and none of this medical stuff will matter at all. Is it unfair? Probably. Will it make you indispensable at work and make everyone forget about all these little doctor's appointments and things you need to do? Definitely.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:29:35] We'll be right back with more Feedback Friday right after this.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:29:38] This episode is sponsored in part by HostGator.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:29:41] Think you don't need a website for your business or brand. Do you figure having a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter has you covered? Here's a wake-up call. A recent study by a global market research firm concluded that only 25 percent of the people searching for you online will do so through social media, but 52 percent will look for your website first. So why don't you have a website you think websites cost too much and aren't worth the hassle to create and maintain? Well, HostGator has plans to begin at $2.64 cents a month. This is a spare change you can probably find under your couch cushions and it covers heavy duty essentially like hosting, design, maintenance, support, and tools to make the experience ridiculously easy, even if you don't know your DNS from a doorknob. That's why we recommend HostGator's website builder. HostGator allows you to choose from over 100 mobile-friendly templates so your site will look great on any device, smartphones, tablets, desktops, et cetera. And if you want to use WordPress for your site, it only takes one click. You'll also get a guaranteed 99 percent uptime and HostGator's support team is there to help with any issues that you might experience, 24/7, 365. And HostGator's giving our wonderful listeners up to 62% off all packages for new users with a 45-day complete money-back guarantee and you even get unlimited email addresses based from your domain that you can hand out in place of that free Gmail address you've been using for ages. So go to right now to sign up. That's
Jordan Harbinger: [00:30:57] This episode is also sponsored by Brother.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:31:01] It happens to the best of us. Right before a big deadline or just when you're printing handouts for a key presentation, the printer runs out of ink. Tired of the frequent expense and hassle of replacing ink cartridges. With an internal ink storage tank, larger ink cartridges, and an intelligent page gauge that displays ink levels, Brother Inkvestment Tank printers can literally change the way you ink. Brother Inkvestment Tank color inkjet, all-in-one printers deliver ultra-convenience along with a low cost per page and affordable upfront price. Enjoy uninterrupted printing with your choice of up to one or two years of ink included in the box. Inkvestment Tank helps to eliminate frequently buying and replacing ink cartridges. Investment tank printers can keep your business running while delivering super functionality for your business, including print, copies, scan, and fax. With INKvestment Tank, there's no sweating over your printer running out of ink. Just the features, convenience, reliability, and affordability you need. Learn more at and get ready to change the way you ink.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:31:53] This episode is also sponsored in part by Wrangler.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:31:57] Everybody has a favorite pair of jeans. The pair that fits perfectly and always looks great. The pair you wear out at night, at home, on the couch, at work, wherever. They're the go-to do not underestimate their importance and no one knows this better than Wrangler. The authority on jeans. Using their expertise and comfort and durability, Wrangler jeans are made for the adventurers, the go-getters, folks who like to keep moving whether you ride a bike, a bronc, or a skateboard, or if you're just the type who walks the earth in search of something, these are the jeans for you. Classic or modern styles, a range of fits at a price that works for you. Vintage re-releases Wrangler has something for everyone. Visit and check out their great selection of jeans, shirts, pants, outerwear for men and women, new styles, great fits. Wrangler, real comfortable jeans.
[00:32:38] Thanks for listening and supporting the show. Your support of our advertisers is what keeps us on the air. To learn more and get links to all the great discounts you just heard, visit And if you're listening to the show in the Overcast player for iOS, please click that little star next to the show. It really helps us out. Now back to the show for the conclusion of Feedback Friday.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:32:58] All right, next.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:32:59] Hi all. On the show, you both talk about some of the wrong reasons to move. What do you think are some of the right reasons? My husband and I are thinking about moving states and see some enticing potentials to this. We both live in the same area we grew up in. He wants to gain some different experiences and I want to live in a place that has a little more relaxed kind of environment. And currently, we live in the LA suburbs and the expense is also a frustration of mine. We see some potential downsides to move. So when do you decide that the pros outweigh the cons? If we do move, how do you narrow down the potential options? Thank you. Signed, Ready to Hit the Road.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:33:34] I moved to get opportunities. I seldom look at the expense, which is probably why I live in the most expensive place around.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:33:41] I was going to say you live in a money cash bag central.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:33:46] That's right. Silicon Valley up here. Yeah. I mean, hey, I love it. Life is short. I live near family, experiences, people, opportunities, weather, Those are my criteria. And so I would say if you're going to have a massive lifestyle upgrade and you can live somewhere else, go for it. You know, experiences, people, opportunities, weather. If you've got a family that's close to you now that's a problem, you know, for moving. But I would say if you can live with other families elsewhere or move closer to other family and you don't have to sacrifice opportunities and you can get different or decent weather and you don't care about the weather, whatever, that's fine. You know, those are the trade-offs, experiences, people, opportunities, and weather. And Jason, you've moved a ton.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:34:27] Over a hundred times.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:34:29] A hundred times?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:34:30] Over a hundred times. I lost count at about 110.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:34:33] For real?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:34:33] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:34:34] That's insane.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:34:34] Yup. That's the way it goes. I'm a vagabond. What can I say?
Jordan Harbinger: [00:34:39] So what criteria do you have?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:34:41] Culture. Culture is key for me. You know, they're coming from LA or the LA suburbs and wherever they go, they're going to have some kind of culture shock. I'm just going to tell you right now, there's no place like Southern California out there anywhere. We are just an ecosystem unto ourselves. So you need to find out what bits of the culture that you enjoy and that you need to sustain yourself when you move to a new place. Because if you move to Montana, you're going to have one, a hell of a case of culture shock, that's for sure. So you need to find the things that really kind of resonate with you and who you want to be around. Do you need a metropolitan area? Do you need a rural area? Because you know your husband wants to have new experiences but you're not going to get that if you move to some little town in Kansas.
[00:35:28] And I think that that's really key. And I'm with you on opportunities. Opportunities are key because if you guys go to a place and there's like two job opportunities for this type of work that you do, you're going to be in trouble. You have to have the opportunities for where you're going to make a living and be comfortable. That's really important. And finally, lifestyle. Do you like going out? And make sure that there are options to where you're moving that are going to fit your tastes. I mean I moved back to Chicago and you know, the height of nightlife in the Chicago suburbs is applebee's and olive garden, which is really not kind of my cup of tea. I like going to Malibu and going to Nobu. And so like the food options in the suburbs of Chicago really were kind of miserable. I have to go downtown for that, which means travel. So you have to look at that kind of lifestyle. What's going to make you happy on a Friday night when you want to go out and hang out and have some fun stuff. So those are the things -- because I really look at it more of what are you going to do in your downtime? Because when you're working, you're working. If you have the opportunities like we mentioned to get a good job, what are your weekends going to be like? What are your nights going to be like? Is that something that can sustain you and feed you and make you happy as a person? So I really recommend diving into that before you go anywhere and making sure that the place you're going can sustain you spiritually on that level. I'm not trying to be woo-woo with it, but you have to have that kind of thing when if you're like food, you have to go to a place where there is good food or activities that you can do. Do you like rock climbing? You need to go to a place where there are rocks and those are my tips.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:37:11] Nice. Those are solid. Yeah. All right. Good. Lifestyle, opportunities, culture, experience, people, weather, lots to think about but it is important. There's something to be said for saving money, but if you're miserable, but then you're putting more towards retirement, it's like, well, you know, do you need a boat during retirement or are you, can you live your life now? Right?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:37:33] True that. True that. Nobody needs a boat by the way.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:37:36] True story.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:37:36] You can always rent a boat.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:37:38] Fact. All right, next up.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:37:41] Hi Jordan and crew. Often when I'm hanging out with a certain friend in public and we both start talking to someone, that person always seems to be comparing us to one another. This especially happens with one friend in particular who I've known for over a decade. He's just way too charismatic and personable and I feel like I'm being shoved aside for the more attractive person. I try to edge into the conversation, but all my efforts go to waste. I compare it to situations when I meet an attractive girl and she is hanging out with her unattractive friend. I'm really only interested in the attractive one, but I don't want to seem like a jerk, so I throw the unattractive when a bone every now and then with a split-second glance or nod -- oh, good for you.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:38:20] Wow, okay.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:38:23] I feel like I'm getting that treatment. It makes me feel worthless, emasculated, and unimportant, and I often end up losing sleep over it days after it happens. What should I do in situations like these? Thanks. Tired of Playing Second Fiddle.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:38:37] Well, all right. Uh, you know --
Jason DeFillippo: [00:38:40] I hope that him writing this makes him more empathetic to that less attractive girl in the future and those conversations.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:38:48] Seriously.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:38:49] I mean, dude, come on seriously -- "I throw her a bone." Come on.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:38:58] Shish yikes. I mean, I don't know. How old is this guy do you think? It's hard to say.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:39:03] Uh, early 20s probably
Jordan Harbinger: [00:39:04] Has to be, has to be. So look, you're doing -- that aside, judgment aside, which we've already completed successfully. You're doing this to yourself and I get it, I used to do this too. Improve your game. You know, if you're in your 20s, which I assume you are, you'll see the attention shift practice, listen to the show, focus on non-verbal communication. Six-Minute Networking has the doorway drill. That's amazing for this specific thing, is where that's at if we haven't said it 150 times already. My buddy is a model with a great game and we hang out a lot and I can easily go toe to toe with him. Now we're also both married, so it's all an academic exercise at this point. But we were just at South by Southwest. And it's funny because there are all these like promo gals and all these girls and stuff. And I was like, "Jen, Peter and I are getting our game on." She's like, "Good luck, turds," you know? And so she's like, "What are we dealing with?" And I showed her and she was like, "Oh, they're cute." And I was like, "Yeah, let's see." Peters, you know, trying to get attention and we're going toe to toe. It's kind of fun, but look, as we get older and get married off man, this stuff all is just meaningless. It is far less important. These single and thirsty women, they have one agenda. Regular folks have another, you're a fit for one agenda and not the other, man. You know, like, who cares? Somebody is looking for a snack. You know, you're not it. That's fine. Work on your game if you want that. But this isn't like defining your life. You know when you're 30, 35 you're not going to care at all about any of this.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:40:42] Yeah, definitely not. And there's just some ego going on here. I mean his ego is bruised so bad.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:40:48] Yeah, it's all ego, man. And remember that this is about the person you're talking to and their agenda. It has pretty much nothing to do with you. If you're hungry and you walk past a tax accounting office, but you don't go in. Should the tax accountant feel bad about his business? Should he open a pizza place instead? No. So what happens when people just eat but they need their taxes done? You can't appeal to everyone. Nor should you try. And that said, work on those social skills, up to your game a little if you're in the dating phase, it's never been easier. This is a great reason to do it. And you'll also know if it's working because you'll start being able to hold your own in a conversation with your friend in tow and that'll be great for you. Learning to be extremely adept socially is a skill that will last you for your whole life, dating aside. So don't underestimate that. And like I said, Six-Minute Networking, a great start as well as the episodes we've got on non-verbal communication, and things of that nature are also very, very solid. You know, if you're not in the remedial section, but this is the kind of stuff we're teaching to advance professionals and special forces as well when it comes to intelligence gathering. So, a good place to start and good luck. Good luck out there.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:41:59] Good luck sir. Good luck indeed.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:42:01] All right, next.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:42:03] Hi, Jordan, Jen, and Jason. How can I approach strangers and educate them on the environment? Specifically single-use plastic. The other day I was at whole foods grocery shopping and I watched a woman put one single carrot into a plastic produce bag as well as every single produce item, even bananas in her cart. And she wasn't the only one. It seems like everyone is just so unaware of the problems we're facing today and they probably don't understand recycling isn't the answer and may not even be an option soon since China stopped taking our plastic. I'm a mom of two small children and I worry about their future on this planet, especially since Stephen Hawking predicted we have 100 years left on earth and the UN report about only having 11 years to fix the planet before the risk of a climate crisis. I don't mean to sound like an apocalyptic loony, but these are real problems we're facing today and we don't have until infinity and beyond to fix these problems. I lead by example by bringing my reusable shopping bags and produce bags amongst other things, but I'm the minority here. I really appreciate your help with this one. Signed, Concerned for My Children, and the Planet.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:43:08] Yowza, so people are creatures of habit, of course. I think it's more helpful to educate the younger generation, you know, at schools and things like that. I googled plastic bag ban and I noticed that the petroleum and plastic industry have a lot of fake information online to deter people from banning plastic bags. They'll say plastic bag bans are worse for the environment. I'm not sure how that works. I feel the same frustration. I really do. I think it's horrible and somebody throws a banana and a carrot in a plastic bag. It's like there's a freaking peel on there, you're going to wash it, what are you doing? And then you know that throwing that thing out and it's going to end up in a sea turtle. It's really sad. Lobby the store, get involved with the organizations that make this their priority. There are people that have their stuff together. You know, you can call the managers and management and tell them that you can write letters, things like that. Your check and your dollars go a lot further than harassing random shoppers at whole foods. You can tell friends, you can enforce social norms, you can teach your kids, et cetera, but the rest is going to have to be a movement and educating the next generation. Really. I really feel you on this one. It is scary. We are pretty screwed. The lobby from plastics and petroleum companies really makes me sick as well. It's shameful. It's evil. Really. Last but not least,
Jason DeFillippo: [00:44:28] Jordan and Jason, I've been listening to you for two years and with your help, I just received a huge promotion. I'll be taking over my own retail store for the company I worked for in my dream city. There's no way I could have gotten here without two mentors in my area. Both men are in their 50s who I struggle buying Christmas gifts for every year. What the heck do you buy for someone who has such a tremendous impact on your life? One of them is I'm guessing a millionaire or close to it who often says he has everything he could ever want. The other is very well off as well and doesn't talk about his personal life much, but we've known each other for over 10 years. Nothing could express the gratitude I feel in my heart. Thanks for everything. Grateful and Gift Bliss.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:45:09] I reached out to John Ruhlin who has been on the show about gifting because this is always a little tricky. The key is this, if they're married, which by the way is statistically likely successful men are almost exclusively married. I didn't realize that but apparently, that's excused that way.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:45:25] That's why I'm single.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:45:28] There's a lot of gift ideas. Some are better than others, but in the affordable category, knives with their names or if they've built a company then you can use if their company, right, you can use the company logo, the company they built, if not use their name or a quote that they love because the wives are unacknowledged. Anything that includes the spouses, the key. You can put one of their quotes on it. You can put an etching if it's going to be for them as well. You can get his and her knives literally, I know this sounds ridiculous, but they'll use it every day. They'll be talking about it all the time. They'll be talking about you all the time as the gifter. You can etch like their lake house on there, their boats, something they love with the year and date on it, a quote, whatever. Then when the wives are asking and talking about you, if you want to take the relationship further, the option is much easier to do and I thought that was kind of a piece of genius because otherwise, you're sending them like a freaking gift basket. Nobody cares. You're sending them a bunch of crap. Nobody cares. Guys who have $10 million, they don't need you to buy them anything, right? They have whatever they want. So you can also look into the book. It's called Giftology. We'll link to that in the show notes. It's by John Ruhlin. We talked about it on the show before. He's really good at this. He really, really is. There's an audio version as well. He just knows what he's doing. He knows what he's doing, so I would strongly recommend this.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:46:53] I've got one too. My family did this for me and I was just so touched by it. If these guys have pets, get a local artist to do like a watercolor or an oil painting of their pet to give to them because my family gave me a watercolor of Bam-Bam, my big Rottweiler.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:47:13] Oh really?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:47:13] For my birthday, it is one of the sweetest things I've ever gotten. It's fantastic. It's sitting in my bedroom right now on the wall and every time I go in and I smile at it because people love their pets. So if these guys have pets, think about getting just a custom piece of art of their pets because they will appreciate it because everybody loves their pets.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:47:32] Good call on the pets. I didn't even think about that. Pets and wives, wives talk more than pets though generally.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:47:38] Yeah, definitely.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:47:40] If you want to do the knives, we can, you can email me, you can also reach out to She can help you with those knives. John offered her services for that. So
Jason DeFillippo: [00:47:52] And that's spelled
Jordan Harbinger: [00:47:55] That's right. That's right.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:47:57] Life Pro Tip. When responding to advice, and I noticed this the other day actually, I was at a conference, somebody was saying, "I know, I know." And I know what they meant. They were like, "Oh yeah, you're right. I've heard this before," but I know sounded a little dismissive. So when responding to advice or suggestions or feedback say, "You're right," instead of, "I know." It shows that you're actually listening to someone that you care about what they say and it gives them credit for trying to help. And on the other side of that same coin, if you already understand concepts and someone's explaining something to you, like someone's explaining to you something that you already know, instead of cutting them off or saying I know or whatever, let them explain it to you. Then ask insightful questions. You might learn a little bit more about that concept. You'll also find out how much did that person knows about the concept. And then worst-case scenario, you come off even if you don't learn anything, you come off as intelligent rather than a know-at-all. So if someone is explaining something to you, ask them insightful questions, learn more about what they know and about that concept. Worst case you look like you're smart and when responding to advice say, "You're right," instead of, "I know," that is your pro tip of the week.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:49:09] I love that because I am a -- I always say I know always and it makes me sound like an arrogant dick. And I love the fact that we have an alternative now I can just say you're right, you're right. And that, you know, at least validates them for the advice that they're giving. And I am going to write this down and put it on a sticky on my mirrors. So I do this all the time because I am really bad at doing the, "Yeah, I know, I know." "Yep, uh-huh." And just dismissing people and it makes them feel like crap and it makes you look like an asshole. So I really like this tip.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:49:45] Exactly. Yep. Exactly. Recommendation of the week, Leaving Neverland.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:49:52] Oh boy.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:49:52] Jason, have you seen this? What?
Jason DeFillippo: [00:49:55] Yes, I have seen this one. This is one of the barnburners.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:00] Oh my goodness. It's bonkers, man. I don't even know what to say. I went from like, oh, it's a bunch of people trying to get money from the state, you know, same old crap.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:50:11] Which it is, but --
Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:13] Sure.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:50:13] -- that doesn't mean it's not true.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:15] 20 minutes into the film I was like guilty. So guilty.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:50:18] Oh yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:19] It just gets so detailed on everything and you just go, oh, these guys are not ruining their lives like this to make it up.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:50:27] Yeah. I mean the guys that are basically in the documentary are kind of scumbags as well.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:34] Are they? I don't know.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:50:36] Yeah, they are -- the one guy basically slept with Justin Timberlake's girlfriend who was -- oh, I don't know, Brittany Spears at the time. He's kind of been blackballed from a lot of the industry for his choreography and stuff. There's a lot on both sides that's going on in here because I live in Hollywood and I know a lot of the people who deal with this whole thing. I do know that all of the allegations are true just from being around people who know that family and the people around him in his orbit who helped actually facilitate a lot of this stuff. 100% true. Michael was a scumbag. Can't get past that. The kids that are talking, not the kids, the grown-ass men who are also in the documentary kind of scummy too. So you got scummy on both sides. But the thing about this is I look at this as we have a trifecta hereof from the R. Kelly Documentary. Then we go to Abducted in Plain Sight, and then we go to Leaving Neverland. This is a trilogy of horrible parents, horrible parents who would leave their kids with a 35-year-old man and say, "Yeah, sure you can sleepover in his bed."
Jordan Harbinger: [00:51:51] Yeah, you're right. It's so gross. Like talk about absolute just star fuckers. Pardon me.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:51:57] That's exactly it. They are star fuckers. That's everybody from R. Kelly to the Michael Jackson thing. They knew what they were getting into. They wanted fame, they wanted the money, they wanted the notoriety for their kids and they were just willing to turn a blind eye.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:52:11] You know -- no, never mind -- I was going to mention the R. Kelly interviews, speaking of R. Kelly. I don't even want to go there right now.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:52:18] Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:52:19] That whole freak out. That's just Epic. Freak out. Geez. All right. So anyway, it's on, Leaving Neverland, HBO Go if you've got an app for it. Oh my goodness. I'm sure you can get it on BitTorrent. It is just bananas. It's long.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:52:35] it's four hours. Yeah, it's four hours long
Jordan Harbinger: [00:52:37] At least, because it's two parts. Yeah, it's four hours, ugh.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:52:40] Yeah, it's two two-hour parts. Yeah.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:52:42] Oh my goodness.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:52:42] We watched it over two days because it was just like you have to take a break in between. Otherwise, you're just like, you're going to explode. But yeah, it's two two-hour parts and it is just, it's riveting. And just seeing all the footage and everything. And yes, there was the secret room where he had all of his porn stashed and Jesus juice and the whole nine yards.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:53:03] Oh, spoiler alert.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:53:04] It's not a spoiler alert. It was in the court documents when they took them to court. You know, it's all that stuff happened. It's crazy.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:53:12] A lot of you have sent me this Dexter Guff is Smarter Than You show and asked me if I'd heard of it and I threw out some feelers and then this guy calls me and leaves me a voicemail. Jason, I think we should play those for everyone.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:53:28] Hitting the play button now.
Dexter Guff: [00:53:29] Yo, Jordan. Dexter Guff here. How are you doing brother? You know who this is got a pretty big social imprint. You'll find me online at Dex Guff. Listen, man, I'm listening to your show, wanting to give you a couple of thought dogs, a little bit of feedback here. Some of the questions in those interviews, man, they are softball, brother. You got a deep dive on some of those subjects. There's just one thought leader to another, one thinkfluencer to another. You know, if you want to know what a deep dive interview is like listen to my show. Dexter Guff is Smarter Than You. Actually, hold on now, hold on now hold on, I've got a bit of brain juice flowing here brother. I dare you to be on my show. That's right. Can you imagine that two titans of industry on some hot mix and that would be very, very cool? Anyways, if this piques your interest because mine's piqued, but if it piques your interest, find me, brother, at Dex Guff on social, you'll find me. You know me. You know who this is Dex Guff out.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:54:25] So of course, within an enticing invitation like that, I had to go and do his show to see what the hell is going on here. And so that episode, which you will love, comes out on the 26th on Himalaya and the 27th everywhere else it's called Dexter Guff is Smarter Than You can find it in the Himalaya app or any podcast player on the 26th or 27th depending on where you're looking for it. And I will be in there and trying not to laugh.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:54:51] Because you're busting the thought bombs.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:54:54] Dropping thought dogs on Dexter Guff. Yeah. One thought, thinkfluencer to another.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:55:01] That's right.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:55:01] I hope you all enjoyed the show this week. I want to thank everyone that wrote and don't forget, you can email us to get your questions answered on the air. We'll always keep you anonymous. A link to the show notes can be
Jordan Harbinger: [00:55:14] Quick shout out to everyone. I met at PodFest and South by Southwest super fun events. Looking forward to next year as well as when I plan better because I kind of just showed up to South by. Go back and check out the guests, AJ Jacobs and Brian Scudamore, if you haven't yet. And if you want to know how I created an amazing network -- I've told you before a lot during the show -- it's all about the personal and professional relationships. It's all about giving before you receive and not even worrying about receiving. Give without the attachment to getting anything in return. We created Six-Minute Networking to replace the Level One course. I have nothing to do with level one, FYI. I left Advanced Human Dynamics entirely., Six-Minute Networking. It's free. No upsell. Go do it. Don't wait. Don't kick the can down the road. You got to dig the well before you're thirsty. Once you need those relationships, you are too late and it takes six minutes a day. Quit crying. I'm on Instagram and Twitter at @JordanHarbinger. It's a great way to engage with the show and is where the video interviews are on YouTube. Jason.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:56:18] My personal website is at and you can check out my tech podcast that comes out twice a week over at Grumpy Old Geeks at or your podcast player of choice.
Jordan Harbinger: [00:56:28] This show is produced in association with PodcastOne and the episode was co-produced by Jen Harbinger. Show notes for the episode or by Robert Fogarty. Keeps sending in those questions to Remember to try to keep them concise if you can. It really does increase the chance that your question will get answered on the air. Share the show with those you love and even those you don't. Lots more in the pipeline. Very excited for some of these upcoming guests. In the meantime, do your best to apply what you hear on the show, so you can live what you listen, and we'll see you next time.
Jason DeFillippo: [00:56:58] if you like our show, you're going to love Reasonable Doubt on PodcastOne join world-renowned criminal defense lawyer, Mark Geragos as he reviews the latest in our nation's most high profile legal cases with podcast king Adam Corolla. Download Reasonable Doubt every Saturday on PodcastOne.
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